Tuesday, May 27, 2014

3 More Pots from the kunanyi series

A stone collected from the top of kunanyi continues to fascinate me.  Another series of pots was completed using the same stone used in an earlier post.  A bit of the stone imprint pattern shows in some of these pots giving a rhythm that that is sometimes hard to get in smaller pots.

There are six pots made in this series.  This is the first.
And the second, with a darker stain than the previous.

And a final.

These are all about 6 inches across and about 4 1/2 high.  All made as part of a special order.

A second stone from the same collection awaits.  It has a different texture, and I look at it every day.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Spring Sale - Plants

Next Friday evening, May 9 and Saturday May 10 is the spring sale at Xiem.  Below are some of the plants I''ll be bringing.  There are about 20 total.  This is just a few.
Cyphostemma 'Fat Bastard'

The pot is about 8 1/2 inches in diameter to give a sense of scale.  It is in mid flower, with little drops of nectar apperaring on the stem.

Drimiopsis dolmiticus

This summer growing bulb is a South African native. The pot is 4 inches across, and the leaves will fill the pot by July, assuming whoever buys it remembers to water it.

Fockea edulis

I grow these by the dozen with three in show pots and some in sale pots.  A wonderful plant that keeps ongiving.  Every one is different.

Pachypodium succulentum/bicolor hybrid

Like the Fockea, this is a plant that keeps on giving.  I've crossed and recrossed generations of these for good caudex growth.  The flowers are different on every clone.

A Dyckia hybrid

It's greener than I would like right now, but it will turn white quickly with the warmer weather.

Bowiea volubilis

Another great South African plant, always a good seller at the sale.  It is in a 5 ich pot.

For more information at the show, see the previous blog entry and Xiem Clay Center at: www.xiemclaycenter.com

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Spring Sale Preparations

This is the preparation weekend for the Xiem Spring Sale.  I'll have pots and some potted plants for sale. This weekend is devoted to pricing and potting

A large hexagon iron oxide on stoneware. 

A small hexagon: carbon trap shino on Rod's Bod, a high iron stoneware

Two small 2 inch wide crackle glazed pots

Three miniature pots.  I only brought 4 last time and sold out quickly.  I'll bring more this time.

Tall pots, Tenmoku and oxides on stoneware.  I don't make these very often.

A much bigger tenmoku and oxide pot.

And lots of small pots with glazes and impressions, originally designed for smaller Haworthia, but used for all sorts of smaller succulents and bulbs.

There are a dozen or so show quality potted plants to go as well.  They should show up tomorrow or Monday.

If you are in Pasadena, come to the sale.  Xiem is one of those places that makes you better than you otherwise might be.  It is encouraging and challenging at the same time.  The quality at the sale is extraordinary.
Check the link for more show information.