Sunday, March 2, 2014

Rocks and pots and plants

Most of my pots are meant to hold show plants and many end up at succulent or bulb shows in Southern California.  Nearly all of the show plant pots are textured, with the texture and pot color chosen to enhance whatever plants end up in them.  Most plants are displayed with a carefully chosen top dressing of gravel often with a few small rocks for both visual and physical support. I want my pots to complement this display and not fight or unduly attract attention.  This leads to a never ending search for natural materials use in texturing the pots.  A few examples are below.
The texture on this pot was produced with quartzite collected in Eaton Canyon in the San Gabriel Mountains.

A favorite site with an amazing wealth of interesting material is area around Hector Mine. This is impressed with a lava bomb found just off the road.

A pot impressed with a Tekite found at a local rock show.
Encephalocarpus strobiliformis potted for show. It is about an inch and a half, and is native to Northern Central Mexico

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