Monday, May 2, 2016

2016 New Year and New Shows

Five months into the year I showed and sold at the South Coast Cactus and Succulent Show and then two weeks judged the Sunset Cactus and Succulent Show along with Manny Rivera and Laurel Woodley.  I did the South Coast show for several years, but conflicts with the Southern California Hemerocallis and Amaryllis (SCHAS) Show made it impossible to continue.  SCHAS is very small and we were unable to get a quorum this year, so it was back to the South Coast Show.

The show is small and not judged, but  it attracts a lot of high quality entries.  A few of mine are shown below.
Albuca namaquensis

Albuca namaquensis in one of my spiral pots with a Kaki glaze.  The parent of this plant was imported as Albuca circinata seed many years ago.  The plant and pot will both be for sale at the Xiem Spring Sale this weekend.

Cheiridopsis denticulata

Cheiridopsis denticulata, shown in a wonderful Mark Muradian pot.  I've had this plant for many years, taking cuttings, growing it out to more than twice this size and then chipping it into cuttings again.  It is at its best with new spring leaves.

Dyckia hybrid

A Dyckia hybrid that is a lost label plant, most likely traceable to a Bill Baker offset, shown here in am Erika van Auker Pot.  Erika is no longer potting, and this is a treasured pot.

Euphorbia sakharensis

Euphorbia sakharenis is one of my earlier pots, not quite as crooked as it looks in this picture.

Euphorbia micracantha

Euphorbia micracantha in a bonsa pot.

Gasteria armstrongii x bixolor

An interesting hybrid produced by Frank Nudge in a Debbie Ball pot, that seems made for it.

Haworthia arachnoidea subsp. setata

Ending the show pictures with a winter growing Haworthia in one of my pots.

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