Sunday, June 26, 2016

Northern Namibian Succulents

Namibia continued.

After the Welwitchias we went looking for the other monumental succulents in Namibia.

The first, and our near constant companion was Euphorbia virosa.

And just to give some scale

There are only a few pictures from each of the plant communities.  None of these were rare in their locality.

Cyphostemma currori

From the same location

And miles away

Adenium boehmianium

The flowers look just like the ones on the plants growing in cultivation in California.

The plants are something else again

We can't this size and aged appearance in cultivation

Pachypodium lealii  Each one a spectacular sculpture.  These are not small plants.

 A few Adansonia decaryi

Again for scale, and not near one of the larger plants.  There is a person or the left.

There were lots more, Hoodias, Tavarasia, Aloes, and many many acacias that I'm just beginning to appreciate.

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